Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Water Purification Tablets | Chlorine Tablets | NaDCC Tablets | Drinking Water Purification Tablets

 Ef-Chlor water purification tablets (NaDCC tablet) is a broad spectrum fast acting sanitizer and water sterilizer, rapidly effective against BACTERIA, VIRUSES, FUNGI and PROTOZOA. Total spectrum of activity, i.e. effective against hydro hypophilic viruses, gram positive & gram negative bacteria, fungi mold, yeast, mycoplasmas & protozoa.'

From contaminated to clean water: The efficiency of water purification tablets

It is a commonly known fact that drinking water contaminated with pathogens is the leading cause of gastro-intestinal problems. The consumption of contaminated water can cause diarrhoea, typhoid, pneumonia, meningitis, and often prove to be fatal.

The water purification tablets give guaranteed access to safe, potable water that is free from any bacteria or virus. It saves you from boiling water and aids you to safely store water for a long time. The active ingredients of the tablet, i.e. chlorine or iodine, act as water sterilizer and is effective against all known bacteria, viruses, and their spores. Despite their great biocidal effect, they are environment friendly and easy to store.

How to use water purification tablets?

The modern water purification tablets are miraculous, all you need to do is dissolve them in water and wait for all the contaminants to be swiped away.

When to use?

• Other than your house, they can be used while trekking and camping.
• The tablets are safe to use during emergencies like floods, earthquakes, or hurricanes when the water may be polluted. It should be noted that the tablets render pathogens and parasites harmless but do not work against sediments.
• The tablets are functional for humanitarian aid services where organizations provide food and water to disaster-struck areas or zones with the scarcity of the resources.
• The military can also use these tablets to get access to safe drinking water as and when required or like aid services provide water to others.


• They can be stored for years
• They require no equipment or fuel unlike other water purification techniques as boiling or filtration.
• Easy to use
• Trustworthy even in emergency conditions
• They can be easily stored because of their small size and lightweight.

The tablets are generally safe to use but large dosages should be avoided. They are not recommended for people with allergies to iodine or chlorine and pregnant women.


NaDCC known as sodium dichloroisocyanurate, is one form of chlorine used for disinfection. It is often used to treat water in bulk in emergencies , disaster relief but is also available for household water treatmentTablets are available with contrasting NaDCC contents to treat different volumes of water at a time. They are usually effervescent, allowing the smaller tablets to dissolve in less than one minute. Some chlorine reacts with other biological matter and forms new chlorine compounds. Highly agreeable to users because of ease of use, chlorine taste and prestige each product should have its own guidance for correct dosing. In general, the user adds the correct sized tablet for the amount of water to be treated, following the product guidance. Then they agitate the container, and wait for the amount of time instructed on the package, normally 30 minutes (“contact time”). the water is then disinfected and ready to be used.

Are you looking for a quick and easy way to purify water for drinking on-the-go? Do you need a portable solution to keep your drinking water safe and potable on that next outdoor adventure?

Are you admiring how water purification tablets can likely save your life in an emergency situation?

If you've ever asked any of these questions, then you're in the RIGHT PLACE! Water treatment tablets are brand of point-of-use water treatment description that are regularly used by people in all field activities who must get drinking water from untreated sources. They are intensely convenient since they can actually fit in your front pocket! Water purification tablets were mainly advanced as military necessities that are incorporated in the soldier’s pocket on the canteen pouch. These purification tablets serve as relevant elements to an specific first aid kit or group first aid kits and medical supplies that are usually assigned for army operations or disaster relief programs.

During the old days, range, water treatment was very basic; soldiers only used clothes to drain out water impurities and then boil the water for a few minutes. This way proved to be happy with stopping numerous waterborne illnesses, however, it correspondingly compelled the military to focus their attention on their water for a weighty period of time. Using fire also risked disclose a soldier’s location to their adversary. Thus, analyst and. Purification Specialists determined to study better alternatives to compensate with such an enormous setback and soon advanced today’s water purifying tablets.

It agitates to know that tens of millions of people are extremely affected by water-related diseases when numerous of which are simply preventable. You see, drinking contaminated water is not just contaminated – it is deadly. At the present time, water purification pills are commonly advised for emergencies that involve treatment of water. These tablets effectively kill micro-organisms in the water to prevent most waterborne diseases. Given the ambition of water tablets, These are perfectly accorded to be used by campers, backpackers and several other outdoor addicts around the globe.

Are you visiting or living in a remote area where safe drinking water is not available? Or you are facing an emergency situation such as a hurricane or dirty water!
The best water purification tablets could address these situations, by killing the pathogens in the water to make it safe for your consumption. Water purification tablets used to be a niche product that was limited to hardcore backpacking, long canoe trips or military kit bags, but times have changed. More and more people are experiencing questionable waters in more and more situations around the world. Whether it is for work or play, for travel or emergency preparedness, your number 1 priority should be when faced with dodgy drinking water while protecting your health.

NaDCC Water Purification Tablets are manufactured to an effervescent formulation containing sodium dichloroisocyanurate (NaDCC) - an organic chlorine donor with a superior disinfection capacity to sodium hypochlorite, a near-neutral pH and a simple, easy to understand closing system for added safety. Efchlor Water Purification Tablets kill bacteria, bacterial spores, cysts, algae, fungi, protozoa, viruses and are especially lethal to Entamoeba histolytica. The following causative water borne organisms amongst others are killed by Ef-Chlor Water Purification Tablets: It is important you apply Ef Chlor on natural sources of water such as rivers and lakes before drinking. The Ef Chlor should remain in there for 30 minutes to kill off microbes before drinking. Nowadays the bottled water industry thrives and pure water is widely available. But I will strongly advise you are careful in taking them. If one finds oneself in a situation where one has to use impure water, then the water should be purified with Ef Chlor. Water that is healthy to drink is called potable water or drinking water. Water that can only be used for household chores is called safe water. Drinking water has been cleared, disinfected with chlorine or fluorine, and aerated to remove contaminants such as radon. In many cities, tap water contains fluoride. Many people who such as travelers, campers, corpers, soldiers, charity and aid workers whose work takes them to areas that may lack drinking water carry water purification tablets (Ef Chlor) which they put in the available water before using it. Ef Chlor Water Purification tablets are manufactured using chlorine compounds such as sodium dichloroisocyanurate (NaDDC or SDIC).That is useful even in hard water.

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